Glass skin is what almost everyone wants, regardless of age. While sloughing those dead cells off at home using retinol, glycolic, scrubs, and masks may help, they are not always reliable.
You might want clinical resurfacing procedures that result in slight skin injuries, including microneedling, dermabrasion, and chemical peels. But if you require s supercharged and effective solution, nothing can beat lasers.
Lasers are effective tools that help aestheticians improve different problems of their patient’s skin, like sunspots, loose skin, acne scarring, wrinkles, and fine lines, just to name a few. So if you are looking for cosmetic lasers for your practice, the following are things you need to know:
1. How Cosmetic Laser Works
Although some people call it magic, the truth is that cosmetic laser is pure science. Put it this way. With a lighter skin type, cosmetic medical-grade lasers transmit concentrated beams of light into the patient’s skin.
When it comes to patients with darker skin, experts at The Laser Trader, lasers are attracted to their blood supply. The laser destroys dead cells with modalities. Especially laser hair removal is regarded as one of the cosmetic procedures, and very strict rules regulate this.
2. Leaders in the Industry and Laser Manufacturers
Since the use of lasers became common decades ago, a few front runners in the cosmetic industry have emerged.
These leading laser practices and skin specialties have been carrying out laser treatment procedures, including hair and tattoo removal, and have witnessed a lot of trends in the sector rise and fall.
Those leading practices usually have patients of every skin type, a good reputation to uphold, many clinic locations, various skin problems to handle, and upgraded laser equipment.
With that said, determine which lasers those leading practices choose to replace their outdated equipment and which brands they believe in.
You can rely on their choices because they have already seen everything. So they will only choose lasers from renowned manufacturers.
3. Used or New
There are advantages and disadvantages to these two options. Like new vehicles, cosmetic lasers are basically depreciable investments and may start losing their value once you take them out of the box.
Investing in a new laser can cost you more cash, but it will allow you to provide effective and the best treatments. It as well provides an opportunity to market the most important and latest services to your clients.
Although used lasers are more affordable than new ones, they have older technology and might have damages from previous use.
4. Major Types of Lasers
According to experts, Alexandrite, Diode, and Nd:YAG are three major types of lasers. Alexandrite is the fastest of all and works well for treating bigger body areas, especially in patients who have light-to-olive complexion.
A diode is effective for dark and light skin, whereas Nd:YAG can safely be used on every skin type, and this includes tanned ones.
5. Treatments Your Clients Want
The most common one is hair removal. In fact, more than two million hair removal procedures are carried out every year.
If this is also the procedure that most of your clients want, you might want to consider investing in a laser, which does high-speed treatment on every skin type.
Concluding Remarks!
When making a decision to buy a cosmetic laser for your practice, it means you will also be starting a relationship with laser manufacturers. In order to make the right choice, ensure you are familiar with the types and how each one of them works.