School fairs have a specific purpose – to bring everyone in the school together for a day (or days) of fun and enjoyment, and it’s a great way for everyone to let their hair down, so to speak. But school fairs, just like other big events, can be challenging to plan, and you already know that you need to be as well-organised as possible and you need to make sure that those who are helping with the planning and organising are on board at all times – and are as enthusiastic as can be. But what else should you remember when organising a fair for your school? Here are your top tips for planning a school fair: what you should know.
Get those coordinators
Aside from creating a special committee for the fair where you meet regularly, you would also have to get coordinators for the activities and stalls. Your coordinators can then choose their sub-coordinators, be it friends or parents. Their primary role would be to organise all the sub-coordinators and volunteers on the day itself, and they would also have to think about the kinds of stalls appropriate for your school.
It also pays to appoint other coordinators for the hiring of equipment from a funfair stall for hire provider, and you need to have someone in charge of your electrical needs, publicity, security, contests, sponsorship, and first aid.
Choose the right date
Choosing a suitable date is also crucial because you don’t want your school fair to interfere with any other school event. You may also want to speak with other groups or schools in your local area as they may be planning events of a similar nature on your prospective dates. It’s also critical to ensure that your school doesn’t have any big sporting events lined up.
Draw out a detailed map
Before your event, draw out a detailed map of the site or grounds, and distribute it to your coordinators. It’s important to plan where you are placing every stall, and here’s another tip: be careful when it comes to mixing your stalls. It’s best to have attendees circulate a given area where the stalls are all located, and your site should be flat and accessible in terms of electricity.
Have your coordinators hand out maps to attendees as they arrive at the fair so they can easily see and locate the different stalls and booths. Another thing you can do is have your coordinators dress up in clothing that’s easy to recognise. You may also want to mark out different areas or stalls using chalk on concrete or bitumen or spray paint for grassy areas; alternatively, you can set up prominent signage. Make sure you have a central spot or area for crowd assembly or entertainment and clear out the space for your audience.
Go for a brilliant theme
A brilliant theme can do wonders for your school fair, and it can make selecting your stalls and booths much easier. For example, you can go for a Christmas theme, a summer fete or fair, a country-style fair, an international or multi-cultural fair, and so on. With a good theme, you can set the tone and mood of the day, and you won’t have any difficulty choosing your colour schemes and décor.
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