Although the goal of a camping trip is to disconnect from the world to spend time with nature, some freelancers and professionals don’t have that luxury.
While others are riding bikes or taking hikes, these travellers log into their work accounts at 6 AM to manage emails, take calls, or jump into meetings. Some people even hold regular business hours while camping, trading their traditional office for the outdoors.
The lifestyle of a digital nomad can be fun, but it also requires some advanced planning to ensure remote access is possible. That’s why Planet Camping and Outdoor Living offers this advice to ensure you can create a productive place to work.
Steps to Follow When Working Remotely While Camping
1. Create a dedicated working area.
Some people work from a dedicated office in their RV or trailer. If you don’t have the luxury of using a dinette, the campground’s picnic tables can serve as a suitable desk. You’ll need power outlets, USB access, and some storage space for your items. You’ll also want to think about how to bring any fragile equipment, electronics, and lighting that can support your job duties.
When you choose your mobile office, it helps to have protection against precipitation or excessive sunlight. If you plan to work outside, putting on some sunblock can prevent a painful sunburn from developing.
2. Think about when you want to work.
If you telecommute, your job hours are set for you. That means your camping site becomes the office for your typical daily schedule. When you have some flexibility in these arrangements, you can get up early or stay up late to ensure there’s enough time to enjoy your surroundings. It also helps to book a ten-minute break into your schedule for a quick hike or deep breathing exercises to keep your energy levels high.
It helps to stick to whatever schedule works for your circumstances whenever possible. If your hours jump around all over the place, it might be more challenging to stay focused on your duties.
3. Grab some accessories that make life easier.
It’s a different experience to work on a laptop with sunshine all around compared to overhead fluorescent lighting. Since you could be working around strangers, privacy might also be a concern to manage. Several brands offer filters that make it easier or harder to see your screen, depending on the outcome you prefer.
You’ll also want to pack headphones, surge protectors, and a way to connect to the Internet so that you can be productive.
4. Think about the infrastructure at your campground.
Most campgrounds offer Internet access, but it isn’t always a secure connection. You might need a VPN to keep your work safe. If you’re planning to camp in a remote area, you’ll need to be prepared with a mobile hot spot. It helps to research reviews and camper feedback about your intended destination to ensure you’re ready for whatever circumstances await. That way, you’ll know what needs to get packed and what could stay behind.
5. Connect with other professionals.
The benefits of work-related social connections should not be ignored. When you work remotely while camping, it can feel like you’re travelling alone. If you can connect with other digital nomads through different online forums, you can build a support network that supports you at any campground or destination.
When you work remotely, it isn’t an endless vacation that you’re planning. It is a lifestyle that lets you explore while offering more travel opportunities. Planet Camping can help you locate the supplies you need so that you can complete your job duties quickly and effectively.